H.E.A.L.I.N.G Through Yoga

Practices to bring healing to your inner and outer world

“Healing is an art. It takes time, it takes practice. It takes love.” ~ Maza Dohta

A brand-new 7-week programme, H.E.A.L.I.N.G Through Yoga that was inspired by the poem by Kitty O’Meara (see below) and one of my beautiful students, a recognition of the need for time and space to process the difficulties and challenges we’ve faced recently. 

This will be a unique opportunity to pause, reflect and take stock of almost two years of living through an historical time that has changed the way we live, feel and think. It will provide tools and techniques to reset that overworked nervous system, reduce stress levels, promote quality sleep and soothe mind, body and soul.

Healing takes many forms from physical, emotional, mental and then ultimately soul healing – we will focus on this holistic approach to healing and explore ways, on and off the mat, that you can use to reclaim your well-being

Using the acronym H.E.A.L.I.N.G, we will build on a new theme each week, explore practices that can be used on and off the mat and clear out toxic energies and find true healing from the inside out. 

This course is for you if you’d like to:

  • create space and time for yourself to focus on your own well-being
  • learn tools and techniques that will help to reduce stress levels 
  • promote quality sleep and regain your energy levels
  • find ease and joy in everyday life 
  • rediscover your innate sense of wholeness that is essentially who you are


This course starts on Monday 6 Sept, so you have the choice of joining our membership or purchasing this one-off course giving you access for three months. 

There will be a strong, physical, alignment-based approach to the dynamic flow classes and an insightful, meditated quality to the gentler, slower paced classes.

With 6 classes to choose from, in 5 different styles throughout the week you’ll be spoiled for choice! See the full timetable of classes HERE


Kitty O'Meara Poem:

 “And the people stayed home. And read books, and listened, and rested, and exercised, and made art, and played games, and learned new ways of being, and were still. And listened more deeply. Some meditated, some prayed, some danced. Some met their shadows. And the people began to think differently.

And the people healed. And, in the absence of people living in ignorant, dangerous, mindless, and heartless ways, the earth began to heal.

And when the danger passed, and the people joined together again, they grieved their losses, and made new choices, and dreamed new images, and created new ways to live and heal the earth fully, as they had been healed." 

'A unique approach to yoga'

by Liz Hobman

“Louise has a very unique approach to teaching yoga, drawing learning from nature, neuroscience and nourishing spiritual teachings! I love the variety in her programmes, which combine mindfulness practices, movement and postures, readings and poetry, with wisdom and warmth. I am learning so much about how the mind, body and spirit can work together to cultivate compassion, strength and resilience for ourselves and those around us. I always feel calm and uplifted after a class. Informative, insightful and inspiring - thank you Lou!”

Here's what you can expect each week

  • Week 1 w/c 6 Sept - H = Holistic Healing

    “Every step taken in mindfulness brings us one step closer to healing ourselves and the planet.” ~ Thich Nhat Hahn

  • Week 2 w/c 13 Sept - E = Energy – Restore, Renew, Revitalise

    “Healing takes courage, and we all have courage, even if we have to dig a little to find it.” ~ Tori Amos

  • Week 3 w/c 20 Sept - A = Acceptance & Appreciation

    “Healing may not be so much about getting better, as about letting go of everything that isn’t you – all of the expectations, all of the beliefs – and becoming who you are.” ~ Rachel Naomi Remen

  • Week 4 w/c 27 Sept - L = Laughter and Lightness

    “Laughter is important, not only because it makes us happy, it also has actual health benefits. And that’s because laughter completely engages the body and releases the mind. It connects us to others, and that in itself has a healing effect.” ~ Marlo Thomas

  • Week 5 w/c 4 Oct - I = Inner Strength & Resilience

    “Healing doesn’t mean the damage never existed. It means the damage no longer controls your life.” ~ Akshay Dubey

  • Week 6 w/c 11 Oct - N = Nourish Yourself

    “The soul always knows what to do to heal itself. The challenge is to silence the mind.” ~ Caroline Myss

  • Week 7 w/c 18 Oct - G = Growing as part of Healing

    “Every problem you face is an opportunity to learn something. The biggest lessons in your life have been learned from the darkest days.” ~ Tracy Malone

'Classes are a life-line'

by Cathy Washbrooke

"Louise’s classes are a life-line! I find myself being able to calm my anxiety, find a new purpose and most importantly accept where we are as a country and continue my daily life. Louise is a very warm, nurturing and knowledgeable teacher. She also integrates elements of mindfulness through various readings, poetry and insights to deepen the practice and allow deep rest to take place. I always feel lifted, yet grounded after each of Louise’s yoga sessions."

Here's what you can expect from this course:

  • A unique opportunity to pause, reflect and bring healing to your inner and outer worlds

  • Learn tools to reduce stress levels on and off the mat

  • Promote quality sleep through reminding your body how to slow down and relax

  • Receive expert guidance from a senior yoga teacher

  • A variety of insightful, interesting and varied classes that build on a new theme each week

  • Become part of a like-minded caring yoga community

'Louise is so kind and caring'

by Emma Scinaldi

"I started as a complete beginner and was worried I would not be able to follow the moves, but Louise is so kind and caring, plus really knows her stuff so is able to give very clear, supportive guidance. There is never any pressure as Louise always offers alternatives. With care and kindness she has encouraged me to really develop my practice. I always feel really energised after a session with Louise but I am also starting to notice a higher level of peace and tranquility in my day to day life. I feel strong and calm at the same time!"

Your Teacher

'Yoga gives us peace and clarity in order to see the beauty and wonder that is all around us'

Louise Neicho

Having spent the first 20 years of my professional life working in and with Nature I feel a deep connection to the natural world that has promoted numerous benefits in my life. Combining this with a love and appreciation of yoga and mindfulness that spans over two decades has enabled me to share practices that help us connect more deeply with Nature and ourselves. I have completed over 1000hrs of yoga and mindfulness teacher training and in 2023 I received a distinction for my master's degree in Mindfulness where my thesis focused on the wellbeing benefits of connecting with Nature. I can honestly say that yoga and Nature has saved my life on more than one occasion, and I don’t think I would be the person I am today if it wasn’t for my practice. To bring all of this together is simply a dream come true and I hope you will join me and our like-minded community soon.

'Louise’s passion for yoga is infectious'

by Sonia Battaini

“Lou's passion for yoga is infectious and her knowledge is incredibly vast. I have been doing yoga for a long time but I am always amazed at the fact that I am still learning something new with Louise’s very detailed explanations. The classes have helped me staying in the moment and achieving calmness within”

Your Questions Answered

  • How is this different to other yoga classes?

    This course is designed to take you gently and slowly into the deeper layers of the mind, each week building on your understanding of yoga and the tools and techniques that you can use on and off your mat. The difference to regular yoga classes is that we focus on one particular theme, as well as a physical focus in the body each week. You get to explore this theme for a whole week on and off the mat, building your awareness and focus.

  • Which class should I choose?

    There are 5 different styles to choose from each week and how you choose will depend on whether you have practiced yoga before or not and what you would like to gain from your practice. If you are new to yoga or haven’t practiced in a while, I would suggest starting with the Gentle & Restorative, Morning Meditation and Yin Yoga. If you are familiar with vinyasas then you’ll love the Flow & Reflect classes on Saturday mornings and if you’re looking for more stillness, deep physical stretches and meditation techniques then Yin Yoga will be for you.

  • What do I need to begin?

    You will need a yoga mat and comfortable clothing that you can easily move around in, PJ’s work well for this! For some of the classes you will need some props, but we have been experimenting with household pillows, cushions and blankets in place of traditional yoga props. I will let you know at the beginning of class what you need.

  • How does the membership work?

    As a member you are welcome to come to any of the classes on the timetable where we will explore these concepts and themes. All classes are recorded and uploaded to the Exclusive Members Area within 24 hours of taking place so if you miss your favourite class you can catch up at a time suit you. PLUS if you go on holiday, you can still access the live classes or recordings from anywhere in the world (as long as you have internet of course!)

  • How does the one-off course work?

    If you decide to invest in the one-off course instead of the membership, then you will have access to 1 in-person or live online class for the duration of the course (i.e. 7 weeks). You will also have access to all recordings from the course for 3 months from the date of your purchase.

  • Other questions?

    If you have any other questions that are not answered here, then feel free to contact me on [email protected].

'Insightful, interesting, varied'

by Sarah Hall

"Louise's classes are always insightful, interesting and varied as she brings her knowledge and ongoing training and research into each one, combining useful 'off-the-mat' mindfulness tips with yoga poses appropriate to the unique theme for the week as well as catering for individual requirements where needed. They are packed with lots of good advice for day-to-day living as well as for practice on the yoga mat. Now that everything is online and recorded there is the added benefit of being able to participate in Louise's classes wherever you are in the world and the enormous library of recorded classes is a treasure trove of resource"

'Louise teaches from the heart'

by Amy Dodd

“Lou's classes have been a real anchor for me amongst all the uncertainty of the past year. I do like being able to log on to the website and do the recorded classes at any time. The classes cover a specific topic each term, and I’ve found that having a subject to focus on really enhances my yoga practice, off the mat as well as on it! Lou brings some wonderful insights into each class and you can tell she really teaches from the heart.”

Course Content

Classes start on Monday 6 Sept and will be uploaded within 24 hours of taking place

  • 1

    Week 1 - H = Holistic Healing

    • Sunrise, Monday AM, Week 1 - H = Holistic Healing

    • Yin Yoga, Monday PM, Week 1 - H = Holistic Healing

    • Gentle & Restorative, Wed AM, Week 1 - H = Holistic Healing

    • Yin Yoga, Wed PM, Week 1 - H = Holistic Healing

    • Morning Meditation, Fri AM, Week 1 - H = Holistic Healing

    • Flow & Reflect, Sat AM, Week 1 - H = Holistic Healing

    • Morning Meditation, Fri AM, Week 4 - L = Laughter & Lightness

  • 2

    Week 2 - E = Energy - Restore, Renew, Revitalise

    • Yin Yoga, Mon AM - Week 2 - E = Energy - Restore, Renew, Revitalise

    • Gentle & Restorative, Wed AM - Week 2 - E = Energy - Restore, Renew, Revitalise

    • Yin Yoga, Wed AM - Week 2 - E = Energy - Restore, Renew, Revitalise

    • Morning Meditation, Fri AM - Week 2 - E = Energy - Restore, Renew, Revitalise

    • Flow & Reflect, Sat AM - Week 2 - E = Energy - Restore, Renew, Revitalise

  • 3

    Week 3 - A = Acceptance & Appreciation

    • Sunrise, Mon AM, Week 3 - A = Acceptance & Appreciation

    • Yin Yoga, Mon PM, Week 3 - A = Acceptance & Appreciation

    • Gentle & Restorative, Wed AM, Week 3 - A = Acceptance & Appreciation

    • Yin Yoga, Wed PM, Week 3 - A = Acceptance & Appreciation

    • Morning Meditation, Fri AM, Week 3 - A = Acceptance & Appreciation

    • Flow & Reflect, Sat AM, Week 3 - A = Acceptance & Appreciation

  • 4

    Week 4 - L = Laughter & Lightness

    • Sunrise, Mon AM, Week 4 - L = Laughter & Lightness

    • Yin Yoga, Mon PM, Week 4 - L = Laughter & Lightness

    • Gentle & Restorative, Wed AM, Week 4 - L = Laughter & Lightness

    • Yin Yoga, Wed PM, Week 4 - L = Laughter & Lightness

    • Flow & Reflect, Sat AM, Week 4 - L = Laughter & Lightness

  • 5

    Week 5 - I = Inner Strength & Resilience

    • Sunrise, Mon AM, Week 5 - I = Inner Strength & Resilience

    • Yin Yoga, Mon PM, Week 5 - I = Inner Strength & Resilience

    • Gentle & Restorative, Wed AM, Week 5 - I = Inner Strength & Resilience

    • Yin Yoga, Wed PM, Week 5 - I = Inner Strength & Resilience

    • Morning Meditation, Fri AM, Week 5 - I = Inner Strength & Resilience

    • Flow & Reflect, Sat AM, Week 5 - I = Inner Strength & Resilience

  • 6

    Week 6 - N = Nourish Yourself

    • Sunrise, Mon AM, Week 6 - N = Nourish Yourself

    • Yin Yoga, Mon PM, Week 6 - N = Nourish Yourself

    • Gentle & Restorative, Wed AM, Week 6 - N = Nourish Yourself

    • Yin Yoga, Wed PM, Week 6 - N = Nourish Yourself

    • Morning Meditation, Fri AM, Week 6 - N = Nourish Yourself

    • Flow & Reflect, Sat AM, Week 6 - N = Nourish Yourself

  • 7

    Week 7 - G = Growing as part of Healing

    • Sunrise, Mon AM, Week 7 - G = Growing as part of Healing

    • Yin Yoga, Mon PM, Week 7 - G = Growing as part of Healing

    • Gentle & Restorative, Wed AM, Week 7 - G = Growing as part of Healing

    • Yin Yoga, Wed PM, Week 7 - G = Growing as part of Healing

    • Morning Meditation, Fri AM, Week 7 - G = Growing as part of Healing

    • Flow & Reflect, Sat AM, Week 7 - G = Growing as part of Healing